How to Wash a Polyester Blanket

Polyester blankets are a popular bedding option due to their lightweight material, durability, and ease of upkeep. These blankets are synthetic fabrics produced from polymers of polyethylene terephthalate or PET

Regularly washing a polyester blanket is a must to keep it looking and smelling good while reducing dirt and dust buildup. 

If you’re tired of snuggling with a dingy blanket, use this guide where we show you how to wash a polyester blanket so you can enjoy its fresh and fluffy comfort for years to come!

How Do I Wash My Polyester Blanket?

Read the Blanket Tag 

When it comes to bedding, it is important to know how to wash a 100% polyester blanket so you can keep it soft and avoid damaging its fibers. The best starting point is to read and follow the instructions on the label. 

If the label says “machine wash,” you can machine wash the blanket in cold water using a gentle cycle and mild detergent. Never use harsh cleaners like bleach or even fabric softeners that can damage the polyester fibers or fade the blanket’s color. Also, be sure you’re washing the polyester blanket alone and not with other items. However, if the blanket is labeled “dry clean only,” you should take it to a professional cleaner.

Prepare the Polyester Blanket for Washing

Before washing your polyester blanket, check for stains. If you find any, spot-treat the area with a pre-wash stain remover. 

Before throwing it in the tub or washer, the blanket must be turned inside out and all clasps, such as zippers and buttons, should be secured to avoid snagging and damage during the wash cycle.

“Turn the garment inside out to avoid snags on the exterior.”

Prepare the Polyester Blanket for Washing

If your polyester blanket is machine washable, set the machine to a gentle cycle and wash the blanket with a cool setting. Note that you should wash a polyester blanket in water no warmer than 120°F and use a mild detergent without fabric softener.

Once washed and rinsed, put the blanket in the dryer and make sure it’s totally dry to avoid mildew and mold.

Washing the Polyester Blanket by Hand

If your polyester blanket cannot be machine washed, it must be carefully hand washed. Fill a bathtub or large basin halfway with water and add a small amount of mild detergent. Place the blanket in the water and gently stir it. Allow the blanket to soak in the water for 15 to 20 minutes before draining the water and rinsing the blanket.

“Don’t swish it around too much; don’t wring it or crumple it tightly.”

Dry the Blanket Thoroughly

After washing, air dry the blanket under the sun or on a drying rack. Shake the blanket out periodically while it’s drying to keep it soft and fluffy. Once the blanket is completely dry, brush it with a soft-bristled brush to help fluff up the fibers and keep them soft.

As much as possible, avoid putting the blanket in the dryer as this can cause the fibers to become stiff and shrink. If for any reason air or sun drying is not an option, use the lowest heat setting on your dryer. Also, check the care instructions to make sure you’re following the manufacturer’s directions on how to wash a polyester blanket and keep it soft.

Quick Tip

When using a dryer, add a couple of clean tennis balls or the special fluffing balls meant for fleece blankets for the best results. This will keep the blanket soft and prevent it from shedding.

To remove wrinkles, the blanket should be ironed on a low setting or steamed with a garment steamer. After, store the blanket in a cool, dry place if you won’t be using it.

Can I Put a Polyester Blanket in the Dryer?

When learning how to wash a polyester blanket, it is critical to evaluate whether or not you can put it in the dryer after washing. Generally, it is not recommended to put a polyester blanket in the dryer since it may shrink or become damaged. However, if you are washing a polyester fleece blanket, it is normally acceptable to throw it in the dryer on the lowest heat setting as long as it does not have ornamental features that could be harmed by heat.

Furthermore, if you are washing a polyester weighted blanket, make sure to read the care instructions before placing it in the dryer as most of these blankets are not designed to be machine-dried.

“If it is really very hot in that dryer, the polyester might shrink or deform in some other way.”

How Often Should You Wash a Polyester Blanket?

The frequency will depend on the type of blanket you have and how often you use it.

If you have a polyester weighted blanket, for example, you should wash it every two weeks to keep it clean. If you have a polyester fleece blanket, you should avoid washing it too often as this may cause it to shed. Instead, spot-clean any stains as needed.

How do i wash a 100% polyester fleece blanket

It’s important to be careful when washing a 100% polyester fleece blanket so you avoid damaging it. Place it inside a washing machine with cold water on a gentle cycle. Remember to always use a mild detergent and avoid putting it in the dryer.

Instead, hang it to air dry.

How do i wash a 100% polyester blanket

To wash 100% polyester, use a gentle cycle with cold water and mild detergent. Choose a delicate cycle if your washer has one.

After washing, tumble dry on low heat and remove it promptly. To reduce wrinkling, you can use a fabric steamer or iron the blanket using a low-heat setting.

How To Keep a 100% Polyester Blanket Soft

Without the proper care, polyester blankets can become stiff and rough with use and washing. Fortunately, there are ways to maintain its fluffiness so it feels as soft as the day you brought it home!

Add Some Vinegar

One of the best ways to keep a 100% polyester blanket soft is to wash it with vinegar. For polyester weighted blankets and standard polyester blankets, use a mild cycle and add white vinegar (1 cup should be enough) to the washing machine. This reduces shedding and keeps the blanket soft. 

If you prefer to hand wash the blanket, fill a large basin with lukewarm water and a few teaspoons of vinegar. Swish the blanket in the water before rinsing it thoroughly.

Keep the Blanket Clean

Keeping a 100% polyester blanket soft requires regular cleaning. As to how to clean a polyester blanket, start by removing any dirt and debris with a vacuum cleaner or a lint brush.

Once the blanket is free of dirt, it can be washed in a gentle cycle with cold water and mild detergent. To minimize the risk of damage, do not use fabric softener or bleach.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I machine wash a polyester blanket?

Yes, you can machine wash a polyester blanket. But before you do, check the care instructions on the label for specific dos and don’ts.

Can you wash a 100% polyester comforter?

You may have also wondered, can you machine wash a 100% polyester comforter? The answer is yes. Washing a 100% polyester comforter can be done without damaging it. While most polyester comforters can be washed with cold water and mild detergent, follow the polyester blanket washing machine setting specified by the manufacturer.

Is it better to wash or dry clean polyester?

Generally speaking, washing a polyester blanket in the washer is preferable to dry cleaning. Just make sure to read the care label first for specific instructions on how to wash a polyester blanket in the washing machine. For some types of polyester blankets, such as polyester fleece blankets, dry cleaning may be the better option since it decreases the chance of shrinking and shedding.

How do you wash a polyester blanket and keep it soft?

The best way to keep your polyester blanket soft and in top condition is to check the care instructions on its label. Most polyester blankets can be machine and hand washed with cold water and a gentle detergent.

How to wash a polyester weighted blanket?

Polyester weighted blankets can be cleaned with a modest amount of detergent and cold water. Fill a tub halfway with water, mix the detergent in, and let it soak for 15 minutes. After soaking, drain the water and thoroughly rinse the blanket with cold water to remove the soapy residue. Hang the blanket to dry in a spot that’s cool and airy.

How to wash a polyester fleece blanket without shedding?

To wash a polyester fleece blanket without shedding, snagging, or piling, it’s best to wash it separately from other fabrics. Gently hand wash the blanket in cold water with mild detergent. After washing, line dry or tumble dry on low heat. Avoid wringing or stretching the blanket when wet as this can cause shedding.

“In general, avoid agitation. Agitation will lead to pilling and/or matting in fuzzy blankets.”

Can I wash 100 polyester that says dry clean only?

There may be times when you asked yourself, “Can I wash 100 polyester blanket that says dry clean only?” While it’s generally best to follow the instructions on the label, in some cases, you can still wash polyester that says “dry clean only.” 

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